A hiking checklist is a lot of important items you should need for a multiday trekking tour. The fact is, the longer and more remote the hike is and the more inclement the weather, the more clothing, gear, food and water you’re going to want. Sooner or later we´re talking about lightweight backpacking.
It is essential enough food is taken to maintain both energy and health. As with gear, weight is critical. Consequently, items with high food energy, long shelf life, and low mass and volume deliver the most utility.
We show you the most important and usefull gear for your backpack. Keep one thing in mind: Bring less except food! Our hiking checklist will never be complete. We are always exploring new long-distance hiking trails. Each tour requires different planning. That is why we keep adapting our equipment. Learn from experience and optimize.
Primarily we want to show you what equipment and nutrition we are out and about. The market for outdoor products has grown enormously over the years. For this reason we do not present any new products here! Other outdoor sites take care of that.